Thursday, March 31, 2005


Today the first egg hatched.
It looks like an egg with a tiny fish attached. The egg sac holds the alevin's food. This little fish will rest on the bottom of the fishtank until it used up all the nutrients in the egg sac. Then it will start swimming around, looking for food.

Eyed Egg

A few weeks ago, when the salmon arrived, this is what they looked like:
The black dot is one of its eyes. You can also faintly see the spinal cord at this stage. The eggs were laid back in November.


Welcome to our salmon blog. We are a class or third and fourth graders in Brooklin, Maine. We have been keeping about 400 Atlantic salmon eggs so that when we let the fry go, we are helping restore the population of these endangered fish. We will be posting pictures of the salmon as they develop from eggs to fry.