Nathan's chart
Coming soon . . .
In this fictional story about a salmon’s life cycle, you will learn many things. One salmon hatches, and its marvelous journey begins.
My opinion about Salmon{farm-raised and wild}
When you write a paper, you do research. Usually, in your report you site your source. This act is also know as making a bibliography. Teachers years ago asked their students to make a bibliography because that way the information given could be true. Without saying where the information came from a student could have made up the information that isn’t true.
This is what an alevin looks like as it is hatching:
These little alevin are fun to watch wiggle around the tank. See for yourself.
These tiny salmon need their environment to replicate nature. They are staying in our tank until they are mature enough to be released.
When we first got the salmon eggs and everyone got to observe one egg closely, Ethan insisted that his egg had too many eyes. We knew it was possible for a salmon to hatch with two heads, but I figured we just didn't know exactly what we were looking at.
We now have close to 400 little baby salmon in the tank, despite some stress over the weekend. Somehow the chiller, which is needed to keep the water at 34 degrees, was unplugged since Friday. The water was 62 degrees this morning, but the fish seem okay: only one died.