Friday, May 20, 2005
And they're off!
Today we had a lovely sunny morning sandwiched between many days of clouds and rain. I don't know if the salmon cared one way or the other, but the good weather made today even more fun for us humans who let the fish go.
After using a siphon to transfer the salmon fry from the tank to a bucket, we loaded up the bus and drove 35 miles to the right spot on the Union River. Once the temperature of the water in the bucket was adjusted to be closer to the river temperature, each person used a paper cup to scoop up some river water, get a few fish put in the cup with a small net, and pour them into the river.
It's amazing to think that at most only a few of these 300 fish will return to this spot to spawn in 4 years. It's also rewarding to know that my students and I did something important to help the population of Atlantic salmon.
Photos coming soon. . .
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Goodbye, little fishies. This Friday we will let you go. Good luck!
Mrs. Bebell and her science students